Tuesday, July 7, 2009

How I entered the bloggersphere accidentally.

It is 1:39 am, and as if I wasn't spending enough time following the situation in Iran (the stolen election) on the news, twitter, Youtube etc., I somehow got sucked in to starting a blog. It all started with me trying to find out where the "Green Banner" could be signed here in Montreal. This banner is like a pettion, stating that "Ahmadinejad is not my president", which will be sent to Paris, to be sewn to all the other ones from around the world. Then it will be hung from the Eiffel tower. Well that's what I was trying to do. I did find out where I can sign it; but I also ended up here. So here goes. Actually, it's not going anywhere now. It's too late. But I will be getting stuff off my chest here. Later I'll explain the title of my blog too. G'nite.